- Last update: 8/12/2019
Are you considering to buy an electric skateboard? We are here to help. ElectricBoarder.com has been following the evolving esk8 market since 2014 and we have reviewed many of the boards on the market. The first wireless electric skateboard was built in 1997, but the motor and battery technologies at that time were not advanced sufficiently to produce boards cost effectively. Beginning 2012 and continuing today, a number of companies have entered this market. It is still a relatively young market and currently undergoing many changes. We hope to be a fresh resource you can use to find the right electric skateboard for you.
Help Reduce Carbon Emissions
We love electric transportation. Tesla cars are great, but an electric skateboard is more fuel efficient. On average, the cost per mile of a Tesla is 5 cents (USD) assuming a kilowatt cost of 20 cents. For an electric skateboard, the cost per mile on average is 0.5 cents USD per mile. Contribute to saving the environment by reducing carbon emissions and choosing an electric skateboard for your daily commute. Go Green!
An electric skateboard is a motorized vehicle. It involves a combination of motor, battery, control, and software technologies. You cannot pull a Shaun White, and do stunts on it (although with some boards, you can do a few tricks on them). But when you use it, you do put a lot on stress on the equipment and thus design along with quality is important when choosing the right board.
When selecting a board, a key consideration is your intended usage - daily commute or weekly or occasionally (recreational weekend and holidays)? Another key consideration is where you intend to use it. Will you be riding on city streets or rough terrain or both? Remember that this is not a toy. It is a mode of transportation and you need to stay safe. Please always wear a helmet. Happy esk8ing!
Buyer's Tips
Since 2016, we have focused on selecting the top quality brands. We review the best brands annually and select a top tier list. When it comes to selecting the right board, there are five major areas to evaluate: the board’s performance, design, quality, value, and service. We are based in the USA and started the site adapting the US measurement system (Imperial), but am switching over to the metric system since it is used by most of the rest of the world - sorry fellow Americans! We are slowly adapting (Skateboard wheels, bushings, bearings are using the metric system, so it should be consistent across the board).
1. Performance:
Performance is NOT everything, but one should note the following when evaluating a board:
- Maximum Speed Rating - Most boards range from 20 km/h (12.5 mph) to 64 km/h (40 mph). If you have never been on one, I think 40 km/h (25 mph) is already plenty fast and on a crowded area at that speed, it is not safe.
- Maximum Range - Most boards range from 16 km to 48 km (10 to 30 mi.) on a single full charge. Some boards have replaceable batteries and with an extra pack or two, you can extend its range.
- Weight - The heavier, the slower. An average skateboard is around 2.2-2.7 kg (5 - 6 lbs). When you add batteries, motors, bigger wheels, the total weight can range from 4.5 - 11.8 kgs (10 to 26 lbs). If you have a belt-drive motor and you run out of electricity, it can be a chore to move it.
- Maximum Incline - This number is usually between 10% to 30%. For us, 20% is plenty. Anything above it is risky in our opinion.
- Motor Power, Type, and Number - The power is measured in Watts, the type is either belt or hub, and the number is 1, 2, or 4.
With these numbers, please keep in mind that there are no standardized processes governing many of these specifications. It could be that some ratings were measured by testing the board without a load or a less than average weight person. In these cases, the real numbers could be much lower during actual operation. Furthermore, you should look behind the numbers, the ride quality of the board can be greatly affected by the acceleration and braking curves (too strong will throw you off the board), the wheel sizes, the bushings, the type of board, and the wheelbase.
4 Motors? Yes, 2018 is the year for all-wheel drives: It looks like the Carvon EVO 4WD ($2999 USD) will be the first with 4 direct drive motors and max speed of 80 km/h (50 mph). Other 4 motor boards releasing this year include the JED All-Wheel Drive, Acton Qu4tro, and Walnutt Spectra Silver.
2. Design:
The major components of an electric skateboard are the motor, the controls (mechanism for starting, stopping, accelerating, and braking), the board, the wheels and trucks, and the battery. Look at how well the parts integrate together and how easily these parts can be replaced as well. In analyzing the design, you should evaluate the controls (most boards utilize a remote which means one of your hands will not be free unless it is a hands-free board like the zboard), the battery's capacity (is it swappable?), the time to charge the board’s battery (usually 1 to 5 hours), the maximum carrying weight of the board, the board's dimensions (short board, long board – in general a length of greater than 83 cm. (33"), and the wheel sizes (larger wheels enables you to travel on rough terrain and provide more stability).
If you intend to travel on an airplane, you need to make sure that you can carry the board with its Lithium ion battery pack. The general limit is under 100 Watt-hours. If it is removable, then you are allowed two per passenger. Worst case, you can always ship it ahead to your destination (yes, a hassle and then you have to ship it back).
3. Quality:
There is no substitute for quality. In general, a $1500 USD skateboard will have a much higher quality than one at $500 USD. The quality of the board is defined by the quality of its parts, and how well they stand against the environment in which you will be using the board. Most of the action will take place underneath the board with rain and dust, so make sure the board has some kind of weatherproofing. Look for at least an IP65 rating (no dust penetration and able to withstand splashes of water when traveling through rain or going over puddles). Furthermore, review the warranty. Warranties are NOT alike. Some only cover parts and read between the lines to make sure you understand what is actually covered (i.e. wheels are usually not covered) and what conditions can void the warranty.
Be aware that If any of the electronics components fail from poor quality or design, then safety is compromised (i.e. you are going at high speed and then the board will not brake posing a great danger to you and others around you). As a buyer, please investigate the manufacturer. Check to see if they meet industry certifications (i.e. UL-listing). Some of them sell products on Amazon and it is a good site for investigating customer reviews. Be warned though that many manufacturers tend to cheapen parts in order to increase their profit margins. Furthermore, there are copycat manufacturers who try to replicate higher quality boards. Please be aware of them. They sell for a much cheaper price because they use low quality components. The esk8 industry is young and growing, but becoming highly competitive. Thus the tendency when less money is made is to sacrifice product quality in order to maintain profitability.
4. Value:
The prices of electric skateboards are still trending downward, but a cheap skateboard does not mean it is a good one. Usually, you get what you pay for. Prices of boards can range between $200 USD to upwards of $4000 USD today. When we review boards, we look at value which is a measurement of the board’s quality and features (capabilities) relative to its price.
5. Service:
In a highly competitive industry, another mistake many manufacturers make is to sacrifice customer service. This of course translates to less overhead for them, but the consumer suffers. The problem though is that an electric skateboard is still a motorized vehicle and that parts will fail over time. For example, one company we have been following is Acton. In 2016, they seemed to be destined to become a big player and rolled out some ground-breaking products. Today we hear of parts failing on their remote control and minimal support from their customer service team. Anyhow, maybe they will recover but more often than not, many go out of business. You do not want to make a big expenditure and found out that there may not be a way to find the replacement parts and the labor to fix it. You may have a great warranty, but without the customer service to honor it, then it is worth nothing.
The most complete list of the best electric skateboards you can buy
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2019 Updates and Recommendations:
Since we released our video in 2018, there have been many changes in the electric skateboard market. Some key events include:
- Chinese manufactured boards are improving in quality (many now offer 180 day warranties and they do honor it) and customer support.
- Inboard raised a record $8M USD in 2018.
- AWD skateboards (4 motors) entering the market.
- Budget boards are showing quality improvements and increasing market share.
- 2017 and 2018 has seen a lot of fundraising and these boards are now coming to market. See our recent post.
- Others who have raised a lot of excitement in 2016 have not executed on par with what has been promised. For example, we are hearing of quality problems with Lou, Acton, and Enertion boards along with poor customer service. We have updated our ratings accordingly. Our highest ratings at this point is 7.8 (Metroboard Slim).
- We are still trying to play catch-up with budget board reviews (Wowgo, Meepo, Backfire, Walnut, and others) as well as the high-end boards (Carvon, Jed, etc..)
Esk8ers are an interesting community. They fall mainly in two groups which are not mutually exclusive. The first are the general boarders who just want to buy a pre-built board and begin carving. The second are mainly avid riders who want to build their own with the intent of tailoring the ride to suite their preferences along with the pride of having an unique board. There is a market of kits in which you can build your own board or convert a non-electric board to an electric board. For the first group, we have a list of recommended starter boards and for those with a limited budget. And if you are new to electric skateboarding, we have a glossary of terms used in the esk8 world to help you become familiar with some of the acronyms and slang words.
Budget/Starter Boards
The budget/starter boards in the list below are boards priced under $500 USD. We have reviewed some in detail and others are currently being reviewed. With these boards, I am always reminded by the Forrest Gump line about "life being like a box of chocolates". This is the case with these boards, you don't know in many cases what you may get because many of the components, if not all, are sourced by China. Not all parts are low quality and I would say the Chinese have made strides in improving quality, but it is still made in China (and thus quality is inconsistent). So you may get a great board for the price or a lemon. It is a risk most people take when wanting to stay under budget, and most are happy with their purchase with the boards listed below.
Backfire G2
The Backfire G2 is a solid starter board backed by a company with a good reputation. The board is constructed of Canadian maple wood (8-ply), and is highly regarded as a great starter board. Although manufactured in China, Backfire is a well known in the industry, with excellent customer support and warehouses worldwide. The company was founded in 2009 by two partners, Jerry Tong and Randy Jee, and they started selling non-motorized boards. They began designing electric boards in 2011 and completed their first electric board, Backfire G1, in 2013 . Although this is far from being our top-rated board, it merits consideration because of its value for the price ($499 USD, recently discounted to $429 USD) and is ideal for those looking for their first board.
Let's take a look at some specs:
- Range: 10 - 16 km (6 - 10 mi)
- Top Speed: 38 km/h (23.5 mph)
- Motor: (2) 350 W, Dual Hub Drive (see belt drive vs hub drive)
- Weight: 6.5 kg (14.5 lbs)
- Hill Climb: 25%
- Full Charge: 2 - 3 hr, Samsung 180 Wh
- Warranty: 180 Days
- Board Dimensions: 94 cm x 22 cm (37" x 8.7")
The Backfire G2 allows for 2 riding modes (Eco and Sport). It is a second generation board, enabling much smoother acceleration and braking.
Wowgo Board 2s
The Wowgo 2s is another board with made in China components that merits some consideration. Last year, they have sold over 4,000 boards. Priced at $379.99 USD (with free shipping worldwide to 60+ countries), this board began delivering in late February, 2018, and is an enhanced version of their Wowgo 2 board (no longer available). If you use our discount code esk8off25, then you can save $25 USD with your purchase. The 2s design though has a number of upgrades and solves the waterproofing problem associated with the 2.
Let's take a look at some specs:
- Range: 16 - 19 km (10 - 12 mi), extendable to 27-30 km (16.7 - 18 mi.) using the Sanyo 8.5 Ah Battery Pack
- Top Speed: 38 km/h (23.6 mph)
- Motor: Dual Hub (2 x 250 W)
- Weight: 6.3 kg (13.9 lbs)
- Hill Climb: 25%
- Max Load: 127 kg (280 lbs), 120 kg recommended (264 lbs)
- Full Charge: 2-3 hr
- Warranty: 180 days
- Board Dimensions: 96.5 x 23 cm (36.6" x 10.6")
You do have a choice of board configurations (no cost) and larger batteries to extend the range (added cost). The Wowgo 2s incorporates the Samsung Lithium battery, but you can upgrade to the LG 6.4 Ah or Sanyo 8.5 Ah, and utilizes the low maintenance zealous bearings. The board consists of 7 layers of maple with 1 layer of Bamboo. The manufacturer claims the board is waterproof and also has solved the regenerative braking issue (most electric skateboards cannot brake when the battery is fully charged). The board has 3 riding modes: fast - 38 km/h (23.8 mph) , medium - 30 km/h (18.6 mph), and slow - 20 km/h (12.4 mph) . Unlike most Chinese board manufacturers, they do have customer service and are very responsive. They took less than 2 hours to respond to me. We will review them in greater detail, but it seems on par and maybe slightly better than the Meepo board we will be reviewing as well. Note also that the Wowgo 3 is also available (released in April, 2019) for $200 USD more. The Wowgo3 sports a bigger battery (greater range) among other upgraded features.
Acton Blink S
The Acton Blink S is a new entry level board made by Acton Global. It's part of the Blink series that got crowdfunded on Indiegogo in 2016.
The board is a smaller electric skateboard made for short commutes, getting around campus or for having fun with it. It's small and lightweight, making it easy to carry around.
We also love the design with the integrated front and rear lights, making it safer to drive around at night or in traffic.
It's not the most powerful board out there, but that's not what it was made for.
Let’s look at some specs:
- Range: 11 km (7 mi.)
- Top Speed: 24 km/h (15 mph)
- Motor: 600 W, Single Hub Drive
- Weight: 10 lbs (4.5 kg)
- Hill Climb: 15%
- Full Charge: 75 minutes
- Board Length: 70.3 x 27.7 cm (27.7" x 8")
It is a good value purchase for $399 USD, but hopefully Acton will improve its quality and customer service.
Acton Blink S2 (if you considering the Acton Blink S)
Where the Blink S is more an entry level board, the Acton Blink S2 is more of a complete electric skateboard.
It's longer, giving more stability at high speeds. It has double the range at 14 miles and is propelled by 2 hub motors instead of one giving it that extra punch.
Let’s look at some specs:
- Range: 22.5 km (14 mi)
- Top Speed: 29 km/h (18 mph)
- Motor: 1000 W, Dual Hub Drive
- Weight: 7 kg (15.5 lbs)
- Hill Climb: 20%
- Full Charge: 1-1.5 hr.
- Board Length: 80 x 21.6 cm (31.5" x 8.5")
In short a perfect board for someone who is looking to get the full benefits out of electric skateboarding, but isn't prepared to drop $2K USD.
The latest price is discount $200 USD at $799 USD. The features are great for the price, but quality and customer service is becoming a significant concern for Acton products.
Riptide R1
Riptide, a company located in San Diego, CA, USA, raised $196K USD last October, 2017. The Riptide R1 began shipping earlier this year and it is worth considerating at this price level of $599 USD.
Let’s look at some specs:
- Range: 11 km (7 mi)
- Top Speed: 29 km/h (18 mph)
- Motor: 2x900 W, Dual Belt Drive
- Weight: 5.9 kg (13 lbs)
- Hill Climb: 25%
- Full Charge: 3.5 hr. (90 min with speed charger ($69 USD)
- Maximum Load: 113 kg (250 lbs)
- Board Length: 78.7 x 24.1 cm (31" x 9.5")
The board is shorter in length and thus provides greater maneuverability in more crowded places. It has 3 riding modes (Beginner, Eco (maximize range), and Expert (max acceleration and speed). Furthermore, it is lightweight (a good board for commuting around campus) and its battery capacity is less than 99 Wh, so it is travel-friendly.
Best All-Around Boards
Yes, we agree that we are missing others on this list, but we know that the boards below are quality boards from companies that are at least 4-5 years old. Thus one can expect good to excellent customer service as well. Probably Jed, Carvon, and a few others should be on this list. But let's allow these newer players to mature a little bit before crowning them. At this point, I would choose either the Inboard M1 or Boosted Board due to their discounts and are known, good quality boards. I would probably pick the M1 with a couple of extra battery packs to lengthen its range.
Enertion Raptor 2.1 - 7.3
The Enertion Raptor 2 occupied the number one spot in our 2018 ratings. Since then it has dropped to our seventh spot. Today, the company is selling the Raptor 2.1. We helped to sell over 100 boards, but some customers have indicated that the company has quality issues as well as trust issues in terms of not delivering on its promises. We would recommend a wait and see approach at this time, and would not risk the dollars to purchase the current offering. We are not sure that they would honor their warranty as well as their performance promise.
Enertion began as an Australian one-man company. The owner used to operate from his garage focusing more on the DIY side of electric skateboarding.
With the launch of the Raptor 2, the company made a huge shift away from DIY and into mass production.
When looking only at the specs of the Raptor 2.1 you can clearly see why it was a standout board. It is ridiculously fast, together with the Evolve line, one of the fastest electric skateboards on the planet. The board has a huge battery that can take you for 25 miles on a single charge AND it can tackle the steepest of hills.
Let's take a look at some specs:
- Range: 40 km (25 mi)
- Top Speed: 50 km/h (31 mph)
- Motor: 2x1650 W Dual Hub
- Weight: 11.4 kg (25 lbs)
- Hill Climb: 30%
- Full Charge: 2.5 hr.
- Maximum Load: 113 kg (250 lbs)
- Board Length: 97.3 x 27.4 cm (38.3" x 10.8")
Evolve Carbon GT - 7.4
Evolve is a solid company and has been on the skateboard scene since 2011. Their brand is now sold in 30 countries worldwide. Evolve came out with this board in May 2016. It really revolutionized the electric skateboard scene due to its impressive specifications. The Australian electric longboard company already had a good line-up of boards but by revealing the GT they really out-did the competition at that time.
Let’s look at some specs (street version):
- Range: 50 km (31 mi)
- Top Speed: 42 km/h (26 mph)
- Motor: 2x1500 W, Dual Belt Drive
- Weight: 8 kg (17.4 lbs)
- Hill Climb: 25%
- Full Charge: 3-5 hr.
- Maximum Load: 100 kg (220 lbs)
- Board Length: 102 x 30.6 cm (40" x 12")
As you can see this electric skateboard is very powerful. It has a Dual motor setup which outputs 3000 W.
The battery can last as long as 31 miles, which is insane for a longboard. No other competitor does as good.
The electric skateboard is quite heavy, weighing in at 17.4 lbs. We from electricboarder.com love the board for its specs but more so for it’s stunning design. The Evolve Carbon GT is without a doubt one of the best electric skateboard on the market but is pricey at $1,959 USD. The 2-in-1 version is $2,159 which includes two sets of wheels (one for street, the other for all-terrain).
Evolve Bamboo GTX - 7.6
The Evolve Bamboo GTX was something a lot of user were asking for.
It is the brainchild of the Bamboo GT and the Carbon GT.
A Bamboo board with a lot of flex and feel together with the range capabilities of the Carbon series.
As with the other Evolve series boards, you can easily convert this bad-boy to an All-Terrain setup. This lowers the range and top speed but gives you more freedom of terrain.
Let’s look at some specs (street version):
- Range: 50 km (31 mi)
- Top Speed: 42 km/h (26 mph)
- Motor: 2x1500 W, Dual Belt Drive
- Weight: 8.8 kg (19.4 lbs)
- Hill Climb: 25%
- Full Charge: 4-5 hr. (fast charger: 2.5 hr)
- Maximum Load: 100 kg (220 lbs)
- Board Length: 96 x 30.6 cm (38" x 12")
This is another great board by Evolve. The only downside being that it is quite expensive at $1,779 USD. The 2-in-1 configuration is priced at $1,979 USD.
The Evolve Bamboo GT - 7.6
The Evolve GT really is the perfect board. It is one of the boards we like the most here at ElectricBoarder. It stays true to the traditional wooden longboard feel. Add to that the insane power the GT motors output and you get the beast that is the Bamboo GT.
The fact that you can slap AT wheels on this setup in under 5 minutes is also appealing to a lot of consumers. Heck, some actually never use the road wheels.
Let’s look at some specs (street version):
This is probably the Evolve best board in terms of power due to its lighter weight. The range though is shorter because of the smaller capacity battery pack. Of the 3 Evolve boards, this one has the best value at $1,449 USD. The 2-in-1 configuration is priced at $1,649 USD.

The Boosted Board Dual+ 2nd Generation - 7.7
Boosted announced the Boosted Board 2 almost simultaneously with the Evolve Carbon GT release. The new generation has improved in many areas, but Boosted has always struggled with a rather low range. Although they say it is so their customers can take their boards on an airplane ( batteries of over 99Wh aren’t allowed). But they now have replaceable batteries, a great option, giving you the possibility to double your range. A better drive train for improved torque. Greater connectivity and more.
Boosted has always been the choice for people looking for quality, a great engineered drive train and great customer support.
Let’s take a look at some specs:
- Range: 35 km (22 mi)
- Top Speed: 19.3 km/h (12 mph)
- Motor: 2x1000 W, Dual Belt Drive
- Weight: 7 kg (15.7 lbs)
- Hill Climb: 20%
- Full Charge: 1.5 hr.
- Maximum Load: 113 kg (250 lbs)
- Board Length: 97 x 22 cm (38.2" x 8.7")
As you can see, this board has modest specifications when compared to the Evolve board, but the high quality is awesome and with its great customer support, we continue to rank it among the best electric skateboards.
Note: The latest Boosted models are previewed here.
Inboard M1 - 7.7
The Inboard M1 is a stunning solid board with good performance and handy features.
As with the Mellow Drive the battery pack is easily replaceable. A nice trend on which the other manufacturers ultimately will have to catch up on as well.
Some negatives of this board is that some users complain that it is not as flexible as other boards. The battery is hot swappable which is great for extending the range,
Let’s look at some specs:
- Range: 16 km (10 mi)
- Top Speed: 35 km/h (22 mph)
- Motor: 2x800 W, Dual Hub Drive
- Weight: 6.5 kg (14.5 lbs)
- Hill Climb: 15%
- Full Charge: 1.5 hr.
- Maximum Load: 113 kg (250 lbs)
- Board Length: 92.2 x 25.6 cm (37.5" x 11.2")
A few quality concerns, but a current bargain at $599 USD, discounted $600 USD.
Metroboard Slim Stealth - 7.8
The Metroboard is one of the more sturdier and higher built-quality electric skateboards out there. The boards are all made in the US with extra care for durability.
The most distinguishing feature of this board is the 40 mile maximum range, but you will have to pay an extra $300 USD and carry an extra 6 lbs around for the extended range.
Metroboard is also known for giving super good customer service.
The specs are great as well:
- Range: 16 km (10 mi) - extendable to 64 km (40 mi.)
- Top Speed: 38 km/h (24 mph)
- Motor: 3000 W Single Belt Drive
- Weight: 8 kg (17.6 lbs)
- Hill Climb: 30%
- Full Charge: 2.5 hr.
- Maximum Load: 113 kg (250 lbs)
- Board Length: 104 x 25.4 cm (41" x 10")
This is a great commuting board but if you run out of juice, it will not be easy to push due to its weight. Current price is $1,199 USD with options to purchase better wheels, lights for night-time riding, and 3 battery options to extend its range. In other words, it is a semi-customizable board.
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